The largest litter box currently on the market is the Petmat Giant Litter Pan. The overall dimensions are 34.7″ long x 19.8″ wide x 10″ tall. However, this pan does have two compartments on one end to hold the litter scoop and other accessories. So the litter area ends up being about 27″ long.
Largest Litter Box Comparison
PetMate Giant Litter Pan | 34.7″ (total) 27″ (litter area) |
19.8″ | 10″ | Largest size |
KittyGoHere Litter Box | 24″ | 20″ | 5″ | Low sides; good for senior cats or cats with mobility issues |
PetMate Giant Litter Box | 25.56″ | 18.3″ | 10.02″ | Sloped design with lower front & higher back |
Nature’s Miracle High-Sided Litter Box | 23.4″ | 18.25″ | 11″ | High sides for less mess outside the box |
iPrimio Stainless Steel XL Litter Box | 23.5″ | 15.5″ | 6-12″ | Stainless steel so odors won’t be absorbed. Optional attachment to make it high-sided |
XL Cat Litter Box Option
If you have a very large cat, such as a Maine Coon, even the largest litter box on the market won’t be big enough when following the “cat body length multiplied by 1.5 for length of litter box” guideline.
If this is the case, think outside the (litter) box and consider a DIY option.
Construction Mixing Tub
There is a variety of mixing tubs sold at hardware stores for mixing grout, concrete, mortar, etc.
This one from Home Depot has the following dimensions:
WIDTH: 21″
HEIGHT: 7.87″
And this one is a bit smaller:
LENGTH: 30.5″
WIDTH: 19″
Plastic Sandbox
LENGTH: 27.5″
WIDTH: 19.5″
HEIGHT: 6.5″
Do Cats Like Bigger Litter Boxes?
Cats definitely do prefer bigger litter boxes, as they provide more clean space for them. The results of this study show that most cats will choose the litter box that’s bigger than the average litter box when given the choice between a regular litter box and large litter box. The large box provided in the study was 34″ in length; much longer than commercial litter boxes.
Bigger litter boxes are better for a cat to use because they give your cat more clean litter to walk on. It’s easier for them to find a clean spot to go and makes it less likely they’ll step in their own feces or urine.
If you think about big cats in the wild, or even a housecat outside, they would never go back to the same 2’ x 2’ rectangle to eliminate. A garden or patch of dirt is basically their oversized restroom.
Each time they need to urinate or defecate, and they’re outside, they’ll find a clean spot each time. They may use the same area, such as a garden, but they won’t dig on top of or inches away from where they peed an hour ago. They also get to breathe in fresh air when they go to the washroom outside.
When we keep that in mind, it’s easy to understand why so many cats get fed up with their litter box and decided to go outside of it.
>> When it’s too small, they don’t have room to move around and dig the way they want to.
>> If it’s covered, it’s likely too dark, dusty, and smelly for them. And it may not be tall enough.
>> When the litter box is small and isn’t cleaned frequently, they won’t be able to find a clean spot to go.
>> And if there’s only one litter box and a non-clumping litter is being used, they’re likely having to step on wet litter. Cat’s do not like to get their paws wet and dirty.
However, that doesn’t necessarily mean you need a giant litter box in your home.
Does Your Cat Need a Bigger Litter Box?
Your cat needs a bigger litter box if their current one isn’t longer, wider, and taller than them. You may also need an un-covered litter box if your current one is covered and you’re dealing with your cat is eliminating outside the litter box. Here’s a guide on how big a litter box should be to fit your cat.
However, bigger isn’t always the solution when dealing with litter box issues. If the litter box is the right size for your cat but they’re eliminating outside of it, going bigger may not solve the problem.
Also keep in mind, the bigger the litter box, the more litter it requires to achieve the right depth. Litter should be somewhere between 2 to 4 inches deep. A jumbo-sized litter box filled with an adequate amount of litter can get too heavy to pick up, which may lead to not changing it frequently enough.
And just because you have a bigger litter box does not mean you can neglect scooping, changing, or cleaning it. No matter the size, a litter box should be scooped daily and changed regularly (each type of litter will have its guidelines for changing frequency).
What To Do Instead of Getting a Jumbo Litter Box
Cat owners tend to gravitate towards giant litter boxes when they have multiple cats, when their cat keeps missing the litter box, or when they don’t want to go longer between cleanings. In these situations, a super large litter box is not the solution.
If you’re dealing with litter box problems, can’t find a bigger litter box, or can’t fit a bigger one in your space, consider the following:
1. Get a second litter box
Cats are territorial, so when they’re forced to use the same litter box, they’re unable to mark their territory with their urine and feces, and may find someplace else to do so.
Some cats do share the litter box well, and you may not need multiple litter boxes. However, it’s strongly suggested that cat owners have one litter box per cat, plus one extra, simply to avoid litter box issues that commonly arise from cats sharing one box.
Litter box issues are much easier to prevent with best practices than they are to correct.
Once your cat builds a habit of peeing or pooping outside their litter box, it can be hard to break, even if you’ve improved their litter box situation. It’s also difficult to get cat urine smells out of carpets and floors, and when they smell their scent, it tells them it’s a good place to go.
Instead of buying a jumbo litter box for all your cats to use, consider getting one or two additional litter boxes.
Even if you only have one cat, a second litter box may solve the accidents happening outside the litter pan. An extra pan will help ensure your feline friend can always find a clean, dry patch of litter.
2. Increase scooping & changing
Although an oversized litter box may give your cat more space to do their business, and they’re more likely to be able to find a clean spot, it doesn’t negate the need for daily scooping.
Cats prefer larger litter boxes because it gives them more surface area to find a clean spot. If you’re able to scoop more frequently so there’s only ever one, maybe two, pieces of waste in the box, your cat will be happier to use it.
Too much waste in the pan may be the reason your cat is peeing or pooping over the edge. They could just be trying to find a clean corner to go, or stand in a spot that’s not dirty, and they end up missing the box because of their positioning.
Also, be sure to completely dump the litter and replace it with fresh stuff regularly (typically 1x/week for non-clumping and 1x/month for clumping). Although you may scoop daily, remnants of waste, bacteria, and odors are left behind. So it may look clean, but it won’t smell clean, which can also turn a cat off from using it.
3. Try a clumping litter
Non-clumping litter has come a long way and you can find litters made from natural, renewable, and biodegradable materials. Non-clumping litter simply absorbs urine, instead of catching it and forming a hard clump. This can lead to a litter box that stays wet longer. Cat’s don’t like to step on wet litter so a clumping one may be beneficial.
There are some great clumping litters listed here, which are healthy for you and your cat, and better for the environment than clumping clay litters.
I hope this article has helped you find a large litter box 🙂